Issues and Actions

Some Movies TRULY Improve The World

Two days before THE INVISIBLE WAR got an Oscar Nomination for Best Documentary (i.e. today), Congress announced it would hold a hearing on sexual abuse in the Military.

When it becomes more and more difficult for our mainstream media to examine complex issues in depth and with true soul, it is left to

These Are Those Things

One Of The Best Short Films EVER!!!

Frank Film, Frank MOURIS, 1973 by shortanimatedworld

I can’t believe I have lived so long without having encountered this film before. It won an Oscar in 1973 for Best Animated Short. Even with the commercial interruption and poor resolution it made my list of Best Shorts ever. What’s on your list?

Truly Free Film

Thoughts On Last Night’s Oscars

The opening  number felt so inappropriate that I first hoped that the show would keep up a feel of a high school spoof of the Spirit Awards.  Shouldn’t such a celebration of art & entertainment aim to contextualize all that is great about this Dream Factory?  Okay, if they can’t figure out how to do that, I would be fine with several hours of pure crass classless puns like the song & dance intro promised too, but no.  We get 4 hours of dullness instead.  The fun of the show becomes critiquing all the mistakes.